Month: October 2016 Page 2 of 3

Installation of Rev. Fr. Norbert Renatus Nkingwa, M. Afr, as Parish Priest of St. Annes’ Parish, New Town, Kasama.

installation-of-rev-fr-norbert-renatus-nkingwa-05b2By Mike Mawelera, M. Afr

On Sunday, 16th October, 2016, in a colourful and joyful atmosphere, His Grace, Archbishop Ignatius Chama of the Archdiocese of Kasama, Zambia, celebrated Mass with the Catholic community at the Ordination Square within the premises of St. Anne’s Parish.

During the celebration, 124 people from St. Anne’s Area alone (the parish has three areas plus a semi-autonomous sub-parish) received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Prior to that, immediately after his homily, Archbishop Chama installed our confrere, Norbert Renatus Nkingwa as the latest Parish Priest of St. Anne’s Parish, New Town, Kasama. Both the Confirmation and the installation were met and received with great jubilation from the people. Fr. Lawrence Tukamushaba and Fr. Michael Mawelera, M. Afr were also officially presented to the faithful by the Archbishop as collaborators of Fr. Norbert. Among those who attended the Mass were Hon. Kelvin Sampa, MP of Kasama Central Constituency and the District Commissioner of Kasama Disrict. After a hearty lunch the Archbishop met with the Parish Executive.

I am happy and well pleased to mention that the transition period and the eventual handover of St. Anne’s Parish administration from Fr. Luc Antaya to Fr. Norbert Nkingwa were done professionally and transparently. A lot of time was given to look into the nitty-gritties of the life of the parish.

We now look to the future with faith, hope and love. May God continue to bless our Mission.

A Pilgrimage of Mercy: St. Gabriel Parish, Namushakende, Zambia.

pelgrimage-namushakende-06_modifie-1By K. C. Mukamba, Secretary, Namushakende Parish.

St. Gabriel’s Parish in Namushakende has not been left out in answering the Holy Father’s Pope Francis call to celebrate with joy the Jubilee Year of Mercy. On Saturday, 1st October, 2016, a total of 58 parishioners, male and female, young and old, accompanied by our Parish Priest, Alfred Awogya and Alain-Christian Muhineza, his Assistant, embarked on the long awaited spiritual journey. This pilgrimage took us to Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral in Mongu where the door of mercy has been opened for all Christians. The cathedral is about 25 km from our parish centre in Namushakende. The aim was to pass through the door of mercy; to encounter and celebrate the mercy of God so that to become the visible signs of God’s mercy to our brothers and sisters. The day was filled with prayers and fasting as well as talks and sharing.

Mr Mbikusita Lewanika led us in a deep reflection on God’s mercy and our Christian responsibility towards all people. He enlightened us on the seven corporal works of mercy being: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisoned, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and burying the dead (Mt. 25: 35-40). He also talked about the seven spiritual works of mercy: to admonish the sinner, to instruct the ignorant, to counsel the doubtful, to comfort the sorrowful, to bear wrongs patiently, to forgive all injuries and to pray for the living and the dead. This reflection was very touching and challenging. We still have a lot of work to do in our Christian journey! We pray for spiritual strength.

Father Francis, the Parish Priest of St. Lawrence, Limulunga, prepared us for the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation by helping us understand and meditate on Luke 15:11–32; the parable of the prodigal son. At the end of his inspiring and challenging reflection, we all felt that we have gone astray like. We all need to return to the merciful father who is always ready to receive us. Confessions lasted for two hours.

We concluded our pilgrimage of mercy with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Father Francis and assisted by our Parish Priest.

We thank God for the wonderful experience of faith and his boundless love and mercy. We, the parishioners of St. Gabriel, Namushakende, feel that we have been charged with a responsibility; a mission to go and proclaim God’s mercy but above all to be visible instruments of mercy in places where we live and to be MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER.

We thank Pope Francis for awakening in us the fire of God’s mercy. We feel commissioned to spread the good news of the mercy of God. We left the cathedral happy and re-energised, glad to have had the privilege to celebrate the mercy of God in our lives. We returned home rejoicing!

PDF file of this article.


Speech of the Superior General during the inauguration of Matema Parish, Tete, Mozambique

bishop-inacio-saure-tete_jpegTete, 8th October 2016

My Lord Bishop Inácio Saure, Fr Felix J. Phiri, Provincial of the Missionaries of Africa, Fr Boris Yabre, Provincial Delegate of the Missionaries of Africa for Mozambique, Reverend Fathers and Sisters, distinguished guests, distinguished members of the newly erected parish of Matema, brothers and sisters. It is with great humility that I stand before you today to thank and praise God Almighty for the grace of witnessing to the birth of a new parish in Tete.

The Society of the Missionaries of Africa, also known as the White Fathers, was founded in 1868 by Cardinal Charles Lavigerie in North Africa, in Algeria. This means that soon, in 2018, we will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the foundation of our congregation, and I take this opportunity to invite you to accompany us with your prayers as we draw closer to this important event for our congregation. In the past 150 years, members of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa left their homelands in Europe and North America to bring the Good News to many parts of Africa. Today, there are more and more Africans ourselves who are doing missionary work among our fellow African brothers and sisters. bishop-francisco-silota_jpegOne of the bishops of Mozambique, Bishop Francisco Silota of the diocese of Chimoio, originally from Tete, is a member of our congregation, the current Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa, and as was his predecessor, is an African. The words of Pope Paul VI when he visited Uganda in 1969, that Africa will be evangelized by Africans, are being fulfilled today, not just because of African missionaries, but more importantly because of the vitality and vibrancy of lay involvement. The official inauguration of the parish of Matema here in Tete is yet another testimony that the Kingdom of God is indeed growing among the people of this Town.

The Missionaries of Africa first came to Mozambique in 1946 and opened their first parish in Murraça, in Beira. Since then, over 100 members of our congregation have served as missionaries, at different moments and in different parts of the country. They conducted their ministry mostly along the river Zambezi. This is the fourth parish that we have opened in the diocese of Tete. In the early fifties, parishes were opened in Inhangoma and Charre in the district of Mutarara, and a parish and the seminary of Zobue along the border with Malawi were started too. In 1967, the Centre of Nazare in Beira was founded as a catechetical and pastoral renewal Centre. Following the events of 1971, our predecessors were expelled from the country by the Portuguese, only to come back after the Independence of Mozambique. In the 1980s we restarted the Major Seminary in Matora, Maputo, where Don Inácio was once a seminarian. 

During our long stay we have started up new parishes and handed over some, mostly due to the expulsion of our members from the country. At present we are still working in the diocese of Chimoio, in the parishes of Sussundenga and Dombe, and we are also continuing with our commitment in Nazare Centre where one of our confreres Fr. Fidel Salazar is also the Chairperson of the Justice and Peace Commission for the diocese of Beira.

Our long stand missionary experience in many parts of Africa has brought us closer not only to the joys but also the pains of the African people. As our founder once said: “I am a man, and nothing human is foreign to me.” It is in this spirit and at the occasion of the 70th anniversary of our presence in this country that we felt challenged to come back to the diocese of Tete where we once were some years back.

We rejoice with the people of Tete for the peace and rapid development being experienced at the moment. As we all know, development cannot be measured only in terms of material gains; more cars in our streets or more new shops. Satisfactory development has to be integral, taking into account all the dimensions of the human person, the respect for human rights and dignity, equal accessibility to opportunities of life. Similarly, the preaching of the Gospel cannot just limit itself to getting more people into our church buildings, counting their numbers, administering to them the required sacraments. As missionaries, we are called especially to reach out to those that the so called prosperous society has no time for; the poor, the neglected, those whose rights are trampled upon because of the greed of a few. We are also to bring spiritual solace to those who appear to ‘have it all’ and yet inside of themselves they are empty, yearning to give true meaning to their lives, to experience the mercy of God.

We are grateful to Don Inácio for welcoming us back to this diocese and to the town of Tete where we hope to be his faithful collaborators. We look forward, together with all the other members of the Church, and by the grace of God to render the message of the Gospel a reality in the day-to-day life of the people. As Missionaries of Africa, we emphasize on working as a team in our pastoral undertakings. It is to be expected that Fr Pierre Lukusa, the newly installed Parish Priest, will promote this Missionary of Africa spirit and collaborative ministry approach. We thank him and Fr Julian Kasiya for having accepted to take on this great responsibility. We would like express our gratitude also to the Comboni Missionaries who welcomed us in Martyrs of Uganda Parish, Matundu, and from which is born this new parish of Matema. The encouragement and support that we have received from the Christians of the parish of Matema re-assure us that we will not walk alone. May Our Lady Queen of Africa intercede for us so that we may remain truthful and faithful to the Good News of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

stan-lubungo_jpegStanley Lubungo (M.Afr), Superior General

Link: Matema Parish, Tete, Mozambique


PDF Speech of the Superior General


Canonical inauguration of the ‘Paróquia nossa senhora das Gracas’ Parish in Tete, Mozambique – October 8, 2016.

inauguration-of-parish-tete-04By Dimitri Yampa, stagiaire in Dombe Parish.   

From Sussundenga, the Nazare Centre in Beira and Dombe, the Missionaries of Africa together with Mozambican aspirants and stagiaires, went to Tete escorted by the ‘coluna’ because of the war affecting this area of Mozambique. Our new Superior General, Stanley Lubungo, and our new Provincial, Felix Phiri, came by the road from Lusaka, Zambia. On October 8, the mother parish of the Saint Martyrs of Uganda of Matungu in Tete gave birth to a new child; the ‘Paróquia nossa senhora das Gracas’ Parish.

The new parish was erected canonically by Bishop Inácio Saure of Tete Diocese. The ceremony started with a procession followed by the opening of the church’s doors, the ointment of the altar together with the walls inside the church. On that same occasion, Pierre Lukusa, M.Afr, was officially installed as Parish Priest.

Bishop Inácio Saure concelebrated Mass with many priests like the Missionaries of Africa, the Combonians, the Salesians, the Jesuits and diocesan priests. The Bishop invited the new Parish Priest to a collaborative ministry by carrying out his mission with joy while visiting his parishioners in their families and small communities. Symbolically, the keys of the church were given to Father Lukusa after the homely of the Bishop.

The Christians were thankful for the presence of so many Missionaries of Africa coming from abroad. Stanley Lubungo made a speech in English underlined the history of our missionaries in Mozambique, which was moderated in Portuguese by padre João de Deus (Jean de Dieu Bukuru), M.Afr. The new M.Afr community of Tete was given the mission to spread the spirit of the Society in their ministry by living in a community enriched by its values of openness and interculturality.

A fraternal meal was provided at the house of the Sisters of São José of Cluny. Everything was well organised by the Christians of the new parish. Gifts were offered to the Bishop as a sign of unity. The party ended at 17:30 by the benediction of the Bishop. May God bless this new mission and the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. 

Canonical inauguration of the ‘Paróquia nossa senhora das Gracas’ Parish in Tete, Mozambique – October 8, 2016.

80th Birthday anniversary of Reinhold Bloching, M.Afr

reinhold-bloching-80-cFrom Northern Province:

“Happy Birthday Fr. Reinhold Bloching. Hammy more happy returns”. Michael Mawelera, M. Afr, Kasama.

From Eastern Province:

“Dear Reinhold, happy birthday on Thursday. God is good. I will follow you soon on 23rd November”. Jean-Luc Gouiller, M.Afr

From Canada:

“Greetings from Quebec. Many thanks for the invitation but unhappily I will not be able to be present at the birthday party of Reinhold. I will be with you all because your kind invitation brought about happy memories of birthday parties in Woodlands. I will pray for Reinhold who is still with you in Zambia. Reinhold and I started theology together in Ottawa; he read the Gospel at my first Holy Mass and he is a friend of my family. I wish him good health and happiness in his service at Woodlands. You are all in my thoughts and in my prayers.

P.S.: Greetings and good wishes from Jules Roy, Jean-Marie Béliveau, Ray-Marie Fortin.” Jacques Bédard, M.Afr

From United Kingdom:

“To Reinhold, wishing you many blessings on your eightieth birthday, especially that you settle down happily there in your new community and that you may continue to be good news to the confreres and many others as you were in Ndola”. Dave Cullen, M.Afr

From Quebec:

“It is with pleasure that I come to wish you, Reinhold, a happy anniversary birthday. So you are entering in the group of OCTO (octogénaire) congratulations. I wish you a good party. Good health and a happy retirement”. Jean-Marie Beliveau, M.Afr

reinhold-bloching-80-bFrom Mozambique:

“Fr. Bloching, happy birthday. May the Lord continue to bless you and reward for the many good things you have done to people and your confreres. Stay well and happy shikulu!” Dimitri Yampa.

From France:

“Venerato, Please convey all my best wishes to Reinhold. I thank the Lord with him for the excellent missionary work he did all these years in Zambia and in Ndola. I was happy to live few months with him. Enjoy the celebration. Union of prayers”. Patrick Bataille, M.Afr

From South Africa:

“Dear Reinhold, unfortunately I cannot make it for the party but I wish you a very happy 80th birthday; I have good memories of the boisterous Reinhold and I am sure that age hasn’t diminished your commitment. Everything of the best from Bethlehem!” Fons Vanden Boer, M.Afr

From Kigoma – Tanzania

“Dear Fr. Reinhold Bloching, Happy Birthday, “80″ wonderful years and smashing indeed! As I was part time a member of Zambian Regional/Province at that time, I remember you very well working in the Northern Province. I join you in thanking the good Lord and may the creator grant you more years of good health, joy and peace. I hear of barbecue, waooooo! If I had plane I could fly there. I wish you well. Haa haaa, the bottles! Those are legal pleasures of apostolic life and human desires! I am here with Br. Theodor Call, M.Afr. J.B. Mapunda Mpundu Kasakulamasonde, M.Afr, Kabanga Parish community, Kigoma diocese.

From: Niger:

“Greetings from Zinder parish in Niger. Happy 80th birthday dear confrere Reinhold Bloching. We celebrated a thanksgiving mass for the gift of your life at the service of your fellow brothers and sisters of the African world. We are very happy and proud of you. May God grant you generously many more happy years through Christ our Lord! Amen! Chaka chabwino chopambana zedi! Joyeux anniversaire! Joyeux anniversaire! Barka da sallah! Yours, fraternally, Joseph Francis Makoka, M.Afr, Paroisse de Zinder – Niger

From Dublin:

“Lieber Reinhold. Gratulation zum Zwischenstopp… mach einfach weiter so“ . Karl Kaelin, M.Afr, Dublin 

From 1 Mwapona Road:

Dear Reinhold, we shall gather around you on the very day in prayer and the good things we shall share. The years of age, the years of mission, your long history and presence in missions especially in Zambia are a gift of God to you, a gift of your family to us. We rejoice and are glad.

 “Ubuta bwa mukote: bulashila pa kapanda.  Happy birthday mensch“! Venerato Babaine, M.Afr

Death of Francis Konkobo, father of Fr Camille Konkobo, M.Afr

mr-francis-konkobo-father-of-camilleWith sorrow, I announce the death of the father of our confrere Camille Konkobo, M.Afr (our Vocation Promoter). His father, Francis Konkobo, Burkinabe, passed on yesterday morning in Ouagadougou. The late Francis leaves behind eight children and a widow. Camille is the third born of the eight children. Francis died a day after his birthday anniversary on 05/10/2016. He was 70 years old. He has been diabetic for a few years which has been under management by clinicians.

Camille left Chipata this morning (October 06). Now, Camille is airborne on the way to Burkina aboard ET Airlines. The burial will be on Saturday.

Camille go with our fraternal prayers and heart-felt condolences. May the soul of Francis meet St. Francis who will introduce him to the banquet of the Lord where good ones of the Lord go.

Venerato Babaine, M.Afr, Provincial Delegate of Zambia

Southern Deanery monthly Jubilee Year of Mercy Mass – Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg, South Africa

southern-deanery-monthly-jubilee-year-of-mercy-mass-copieBy Mark Kisogloo

The Southern Deanery’s monthly Mass for the Jubilee of Mercy produced an enthusiastic turnout as it so happened to fall on the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It was hosted by the parishes of St Thomas, Lenasia and St Joseph, Mayfair. Mass was celebrated by Fr Raymond McQuarrie, assisted by Fr Mathieu van Vlierden, as well as Fr Laszlo Kapati, Fr John Thompson and various other priests.

The evening began with adoration, benediction, reciting of the Rosary and litany of the saints and Mass. It was extremely special since parishioners of St Thomas presented candles to the statue of Our Lady after every reading from the Rosary, as well as offering, before Mass, a garland for all the priests in attendance.

Before the reading from the Gospel took place, it was presented to the community and accompanied by a liturgical dance performed by parishioners of St Thomas in traditional dress. It was a holy, but joyous, occasion.

A birthday cake was served to all in attendance at the end of the evening to commemorate the birth of Our Lady.

AD News – A publication of the Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg,

October 2016, volume 31 No 6 –

We need to listen to Pope Francis’ appeal.

Venerato Babaine 2016_JPEGBy Venerato Deus Babaine, M.Afr

“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a conversation, which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all. The worldwide ecological movement has already made considerable progress and led to the establishment of numerous organizations committed to raising awareness of these challenges… All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talents” (n°14).

The earth is “our common home” is a beautiful statement. The word home, simple as it is, tells a great story about the life of any living creature. It provokes the sentiments of belonging, tranquillity and joyfulness revealed in Sacred Scripture in the book of Genesis “Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden…. and he placed there the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the Lord God made various trees grow that were delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad (Gen. 2:8-9, The African Bible). The themes in this short text are clear: the presence of a person on earth endowed with dignity, the soils that sustain vegetation, plenty of food and trees that provide an aesthetic milieu, abundance of life and possibility to discern the authenticity of life.

laudato-si-pope-francisWhen the Pope makes this appeal, he is deeply aware of some of the debates at various conventions held since the 1970s that have led to declarations and policies. These debates have seen shifts in the emphasis laid on certain topics. At the beginning, the stress was on development and its sustainability. The stress has now come to be on the earth itself and the impact that human action has had in these last centuries of industrialised development. This shift has forced a number of states to formulate polices regarding the environment and ecology and some have enshrined them in their national constitutions. Techno-science has given us more information. Religions are more aware of the material world. Inevitably, this has affected human consciousness and made it reflect seriously on the issues and to take action without exclusively basing themselves on faith or scientific grounds. Occurrences of floods, the melting of polar-ice or snow on some mountain tops in Africa, expansion of desserts, air and water pollution, rapid extinction of some fauna and flora species, depletion of bog-lands and wetlands, irregular seasons, all trigger despair and debate among housewives, herd boys , sailors, policy makers and techno-scientists. These events affect the safety, security and happiness of humanity.

It is said that our common home has enough for everybody’s need but not everybody’s greed. The Pope calls for a conversion to be more responsible and concerned about others. The encyclical mentions that the resources of the earth has been exploited to satisfy the greedy at the expense of the needy. It calls for a balanced life-style and moderation of human passions, which Hippocrates had mentioned before the era of Jesus. One important point, does not feature strongly; the population explosion. There are too many feet treading the earth and too many stomachs to fill. There is a remarkable population increase in every country. The more population grows the more facilities we need; more food and space are required. The animal population has also multiplied and they need more space and feedstuffs. Consequently, lamentations rise instead of praises. We need more space for living as well as for more food and water. In a long run, more rubbish will be generated leading to more pollution. The human population seems to claim more rights over the other members on the block.

If we are still inspired by the ‘Genesis concept’ of Eden, where it was all good, we have to design policies, adapt our catechesis and change our habits and create awareness among the earth’s inhabitants.

“This basic awareness would enable the development of new convictions, attitudes and forms of life. A great cultural, spiritual and educational challenge stands before us, and it will demand that we set-out on the long path of renewal (n°202) Commitment to ecological concerns without the promotion of the human dignity is futile. The earth needs to be a home for all creatures.

We have to engage in matters of justice, advocacy for equal opportunities, provide a home for refugees and migrants. We need to respect and appreciate people’s cultures and traditions. We need to promote basic rights such as food, shelter and gender equality. Among us there should not be any segregation based on anything.

We need to cultivate a fascination for landscapes, vegetation, water, animals and fish. We have to contribute towards harmony in “our common home” by conserving or planting trees, cleaning our streets, or closing a water-tap. We have to engage neighbourhood communities in biodiversity protection campaigns by using modern media. We need to know more about the natural sciences to be able to pass it on to others and get a better understanding about the natural world.

 See: Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment and human ecology.

PDF file: We need to listen to Pope Francis’ appeal

PDF file: Il nous faut écouter l’appel du Pape François.

Oath and Diaconate in Merrivale, October 1, 2016

oath-diaconate-2016-45St. Joseph’s Parish church was packed on Saturday morning to celebrate the Oath and Diaconate of six Missionaries of Africa students. The broadcast was pretty grim with rain but gave way to a mix cloudy and sunny day though hailstones fell heavily at the end of the day. With them, two Sacred Heart candidates from DRCongo were also ordained Deacons together with eleven M.Afr students who received the ministry of Acolyte.

Were also present our Superior General, Stan Lubungo, our Provincial, Felix Phiri, Neil Frank , President of St. Joseph’s Theological Institute and Bishop Emmanuel Kerketta of the Diocese of Jashpur in India[1]. The main celebrant was our confrere Bishop Jan De Groef. Many other priests, religious and relatives or friends were present at this joyful feast sang in various languages; English, French, Ndebele, Kiswahili, Kinyarwanda, IsiZulu, Lingala and Latin.

Refreshments were offered after Mass in the parish hall and a meal in our formation Centre in Merrivale, about fifteen minutes away by car from the church.  

Brief presentation of the new Deacons.alfred-nkundimana-2016_jpeg

Born in 1984, Alfred Nkundimana is Rwandese. He began his preparatory year in Burundi. He was then sent for three years of philosophical studies in Bukavu, DRCongo. He made his spiritual year in Burkina Faso and was sent in South Africa for his pastoral experience. He is a qualified nurse. He joined Merrivale in 2014.

daniel-iraguha-2016_jpegBorn in 1986, Daniel Iraguha is Rwandese. He began his formation with the M.Afr in Burundi from where he went to Bukavu in the DRCongo for three years of philosophical studies. He then went to Burkina Faso for his Spiritual Year and made his stage in Gao, Mali.

amorain-wayikpo-2016_jpegAmorain Wayikpo (Kwami) is Togolese and was born in 1981. After completing his studies in geography, he began his philosophical studies in 2007 in Ouagadougou and then went for his spiritual year in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. In 2011, he was sent to Rwanda for his two years pastoral experience. He joined Merrivale community in 2014.

anthony-wie-2016_jpegBorn in 1980, Anthony Wie Batieka is Ghanean. After a few months of preparation in Nigeria, he did his philosophical studies in Ghana. In 2010, he was sent for spiritual year in Burkina Faso. He then went to Burundi for his pastoral experience.

erick-balderas-vega-2016_jpegErick Balderas Vega is Mexican and was born in 1981. After studying philosophy in a diocesan seminary, he spent two years in our house of formation in Mexico. He was then sent to Zambia for his spiritual year and his pastoral experience which he made in Kabwata Parish in Lusaka.

theophile-sam-2016_jpegTheophile Pegwedewende Sam is Burkinabe, born in 1984. He did his philosophical studies in Ouagadougou and his spiritual year in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. In 2011, he was sent for pastoral experience in Uganda and, after two years of pastoral experience, he joined our house of formation in Merrivale.

[1] Three M.Afr originate from his Diocese: Filiyanus Ekka, Erus Kishor Tirkey and Anand Kujur. Bishop Kerketta is very proud of it.

Also the following students received the ministry of acolyte: Philippe Dakono (Malian), Christopher Nkandu (Zambian), Martin Somda (Burkinabe), Victor Sanou (Burkinabe), Éric Kambale (Congolese), Ryan Contamina (Filipino), Silas Nsabimana (Burundian), Robert Ouedraogo (Burkinabe), Dominic Shiby (Indian), Francis Eze (Nigerian) and Pierre Chanel Ulama (Congolese).

Click below to read the translation of this article in Italian thanks to Luigi Morell, M.Afr:

Giuramento e Diaconato a Merrivale: 01 Ottobre 2016.

Aussi en français:

Serment et diaconat à Merrivale

Death of Mr Zygmunt Perfikowski, the father of Marcin Perfikowski, M.Afr

Marcin PerfikowskiThe father of Marcin Perfikowski has passed away early this morning (04/10/2016).

He was taken to the hospital on Sunday with a breathing difficulty. He was then transferred to the ICU on Monday. Marcin and his mother were with Mr Perfikowski till late in the night. Let us keep Marcin and his family in our prayers asking God to receive the soul of Zygmunt in his eternal kingdom.

Let us keep Marcin and his family in prayers during this time of grief.

Pawel Mazurek, M.Afr

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