Month: December 2015 Page 2 of 3

Death of Father Normand Papineau, M. Afr.

Normand Papineau_PNGBetween 1953 and 1990, Father Normand Papineau went to Ilondola to learn Chibemba and subsequently moved from Kantensha Seminary to Kayambi, Chalabesa, Chilonga, Lubushi as Rector to the Seminary, Mpika as Rector of the Major Seminary, Mpika as Parish Priest and Superior, Mulilansolo as Parish Priest and Mulanga as Curate. He retired in Canada in 1993.

Father Papineau died on December 18, 2015, in Montreal (Canada), at the age of 90 years of which 64 of missionary life in Zambia and Canada.

Let us pray for the repose of his soul.

A Dangerous Divide. The State of Inequality in Malawi.

Please find a report from OXFAM on the growing and worrying inequality in Malawi. This was published in November and give a very good picture of the divide between the rich and poor. Bill Turnbull, M.Afr

Malawi inegality Dec 2015 02


By Oxfam in Malawi’s Country Director, John Makina

Economic inequality has worsened significantly in Malawi in recent years. In 2004, the richest 10 percent of Malawians consumed 22 times more than the poorest 10 percent. By 2011 this had risen to see the richest 10 percent spending 34 times more than the poorest. Yet even this shocking statistic is likely to be a significant underestimate1. Anyone who has seen the many large mansions springing up on the edges of Lilongwe and Blantyre, and the plethora of new shopping malls being opened, knows that conspicuous consumption amongst the richest is dramatically growing. Malawi’s Gini coefficient, the key measure of inequality, also shows the extent to which robust economic growth is benefiting the rich whilst leaving the poor behind. In seven years of impressive growth, the Gini has leapt up from 0.39, on a par with Cameroon, to 0.45, on a par with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Malawi inegality Dec 2015 05This study modelled the link between inequality, growth and poverty in Malawi over the next five years. In 2015, 8 million people – 50 percent of the country’s population – live in poverty. Yet if inequality continues to rise as it has in recent years, by 2020 1.5 million more Malawians will be poor3. Even if inequality stays broadly at the level it is now, there will still be 400,000 additional people living in poverty in Malawi by 20204. Unless Malawi acts now to reduce inequality, even rapid economic growth will fail to reduce poverty in the country.


Inequality is not an accident, nor is it inevitable; it originates from policy choices. Consequently, some policy choices can worsen inequality while others reduce it. As is aptly pointed out by UNRISD, ‘Without deliberate policy interventions, high levels of inequality tend to be self-perpetuating. They lead to the development of political and economic institutions that work to maintain the political, economic and social privileges of the elite.

This study has identified a number of factors driving inequality in Malawi, and made clear that poverty reduction in Malawi will be faster if inequality decreases. But reducing inequality will not be a benign by-product of growth under trickle down assumptions. It will only happen as a result of deliberate joint policy efforts, which all Malawi’s government and civil society must unify behind.

Network Pastoral Africa – Third Meeting

Missio Meeting 2015 07b2By Romaric Bationo, M.Afr

From 6th to 9th November 2015, the 3rd annual meeting of the Network Pastoral Africa, organised and sponsored by Missio Aachen, took place at the AMECEA Pastoral Institute Gaba, in Eldoret, Kenya. The two previous meetings were held at Lumko, South Africa in 2013 and at the Centre for Social Concern and the Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art in Malawi in 2014.

At this 3rd meeting, six Pastoral Institutes from different corners of Africa were represented: the Capuchin Franciscan Research and Training Centre of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Lux Terra Leadership Foundation of Abuja, Nigeria; Tamale Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Ghana; Centro de Formacao de Nazare of Beira, Mozambique, Lumen Christi Institute of Arusha, Tanzania;  and Faith and Encounter Centre, Zambia. Other delegates came from: the AMECEA Pastoral Institute, Gaba; the Pastoral Department of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, CUEA, the Pastoral Department of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference; the Commission for Pastoral and Lay Apostolate of Kenya; and from Missio Aachen. The big absents were the Centre for Social Concern, Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art, Malawi and Wadzanai Training Centre of Harare, Zimbabwe.

For the first time FENZA participated in this meeting and I was privileged to represent it.

This year, the discussions and presentations at the meeting revolved around the core theme of the pastoral challenges and implications of Evangelii Gaudium. The three main presentations were: Evangelii Gaudium and Interreligious Dialogue in Africa, by Rev Prof. Fredrick Mvumbi; Pastoral Challenges in Kenya in Relation to Evangelii Gaudium, by Prof. Eunice Kamaara; and Evangelii Gaudium in Relation to the Church as Family of God in Africa, by Rev Dr. Jordan Nyenyembe. Then the participating pastoral institutes, FENZA included, were given the opportunity to give each a presentation on the impetus the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium has had so far on their respective work.

Besides knowing, sharing and learning from one another, the most important point of this 3rd meeting of Network Pastoral Africa, was the setup of a concrete networking among the various Pastoral Institutes. Under the facilitation of Fr. Pikiti Febian Mulenga from the AMECEA Pastoral Department, the Pastoral Institutes reached and agreed on a networking action plan that should promote and advance co-operation among them.

At the end of the meeting, the delegates decided that the next Network Pastoral Africa meeting will take place from 3rd till the 6th February 2017 in Arusha, Tanzania.  

Conference on Ecumenism – FENZA, 5th December 2015

Conference on Ecumenism 04bIn collaboration with St. Dominic Major Seminary, FENZA organised a conference on Ecumenism on Saturday the 5th December 2015. Above 20 participants of various Catholic parishes of Lusaka together with few Seminarians listened to the presentation made by Robert Lavertu, M.Afr, on Church history using a chart which he published recently. Father Charles Mwila also made a presentation by focusing on the theological, spiritual and pastoral aspects of Ecumenism.

Group discussion helped the participants to express their views on ecumenical issues looking into initiatives already taking place in various parishes such as Palm Sunday prayer and regular meetings with various Christian denominations concentrating on common ground.

Another speaker, Father Searson, presented his work at the Apostolate of Prayer focusing on the preparation of the yearly Octave of Prayer for Unity, which will take place as usual this coming year 2016 between the 18th and the 25th January. The participants were encouraged to get involved in this week of prayer.

It is the wish of the participants to renew this workshop with more people. Romaric Bationo, M.Afr, Director of FENZA, thanked the participants and emphasised that Ecumenism is part of FENZA’s vocation. An activity such as this one must continue and enjoy the participation of greater numbers of Catholics. Patrick Mumbi, M.Afr, concluded the day with a prayer.

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 13 décembre 2015

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :

« Textes du Pape, voyage en Afrique » toute une série de textes en français prononcés par le pape à l’occasion de son périple africain. (lire la suite)

« Confrères décédés en 2015 » au jour de publication de cette lettre, ils sont 14 confrères ayant servi dans la PAO et à nous avoir quittés en 2015 (lire la suite)

« Lettre de Laghouat Ghardaia, décembre 2015 » texte envoyé par Mgr Claude Rault, Missionnaire d’Afrique. (lire la suite)

« 50 ans d’existence pour Tema Bokin » : cette paroisse vient d’engager son année jubilaire. Elle a été fondée en 1966 (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages »:

« Le Pape François en Ouganda » quelques photos prises par notre supérieur général à l’occasion de la visite du Pape dans ce pays. (lire la suite)

« 2015-2016 à Kasama ». comment les étudiants qui vivent l’Année spirituelle ont commencé cette expérience fondamentale. (lire la suite)

« Récollection pour l’Avent », un texte du Père Herman Bastijns, Missionnaire d’Afrique belge, pour se préparer à Noël. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :

« Espoirs de dialogue » : quelques témoignages qui nous sortent du pessimiste et de la terreur qui ont gagné beaucoup de terrain un peu partout dans le monde (lire la suite)
«  Pourquoi devenir terroriste ? » quelques réflexions à ce propos qui donnent un éclairage intéressant. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » : 

 Où en est le Burkina Faso ? » suite aux élections présidentielles et législatives, un bref rappel de l’histoire de ce pays et l’état actuel de la situation (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :

« Koudougou, rebelle ou belle ?» un article du Père Maurice Oudet, qui introduit au nouveau site qui vient d’être créé. (lire la suite)

« La COP 21 vue du Burkina » : deux articles parus sur le site du SEDELAN à ce propos (lire la suite)

End of construction of Chipata Pre-First Phase

Chipata Pre-First Dec 2015 05b_JPGThe Pre-First Phase Centre in Chipata is already operational since the 19th November 2015 when five candidates came from Mozambique to perfect their English while waiting for the official opening of the Centre on January the 15th with the coming of more candidates from Malawi and Zambia. This first year program will end in June 2016 when the candidates will be going to Balaka for their philosophy. The formators are Timothée Bationo, René Garand and Camille Konkobo who has just arrived from his home leave in Burkina Faso.

The Mozambican candidates are Texeira Manuel, Messias Carlos, Manuel Pedro, Hilario Junior and Bernardo Ana. We wish them all good luck in their studies.

Below some recent pictures of the Centre.


Ground work at the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia
Ongoing construction at the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia
Ongoing construction at the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia Updates November 2014
Ongoing construction at the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia Updates December 2014
Updates in pictures of the Preparatory Centre in Chipata, Zambia – April 2015


2016 MIMSAF Calendar – December 2015

2016 MIMSAF Calendar 2 copie

2016 MIMSAF Calendar 3 copie

Updates on Jean Pierre Le Scour – Johannesburg

Olivedale hospital in JohannesburgYesterday morning (December 10) Jean Pierre underwent a huge cardiac operation in the Olivedale hospital in Johannesburg. Although the operation was a success, he is now very critical and is under constant observation.
It seems that the damage around his heart was much more severe than expected. This damage, his diabetes and other factors means it will be a struggle for him in his recovery.
Yesterday evening Michel Meunier visited him and administered the Sacrament of the Sick. This morning Christophe Boyer also visited and was able to communicate with him.
Although more stable than yesterday, he is in a critical condition.
We pray for his healing and wellbeing.
God bless.
Raymond McQuarry, M.Afr, Delegate Superior in South Africa

(December 15, 2015) Greetings from Johannesburg.

I write with good news about our Confrere Fr. Jean Pierre Le Scour. He is now out of ICU and resting in the normal ward. He is now able to sit up by his bed and responds well to the physiotherapist and other medical staff. He eats well and is chatting normally with visitors.

All his vital signs are now stable and doctors are happy with his progress and recovery. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

With every good wish and God bless.

Fraternally, Raymond McQuarrie, M.Afr.

Sudden passing of our little sister Memory Mwamba

Its is with sadness that I announce to you the sudden passing on yesterday of our little sister Memory Mwamba. She was the immediate young sister of our stagaire Lefterius Mwamba in Burkina. Its so sad because shortly before I left Zambia last year the immediate young sister to Memory and the last born Claire died in my arms too. Its is very heavy for the family and Lefterius as well. May we keep the family in prayers. The funeral is in Serenje. May the soul of Memory rest in eternal peace.
Francis Kangwa M.Afr

Friday, 11th December 2015

Lefterius Kalonga Mwamba 2015_JPEG“I am deeply touched by the spiritual and moral support that I have received from all of you at the occasion of the death of my beloved sister and friend Memory who was put to rest on. This moment just like the recent ones has been particularly tough for me and for our family. I would love to whole-heartedly convey a word of recognition to my home province “SAP” and to you for this gesture which has given me Hope. On behalf of our family and on my own behalf I say THANK YOU, NATASHA MUKWAI. May Our Faithful Lord Jesus bless us all.”

I received calls, emails and text messages, not forgetting WhatsApp Messages, I was reconverted in a way. Followed the informative post on the SAP blog with the touching comments.

Fraternally, Lefterius Kalonga Mwamba

Christmas. Jesus is our gift!

Pontifical Mission Societies SA-04-2015 01The greatest gift of God to us is Jesus Christ himself—the Emmanuel—God with us. The celebration of Christmas is all about God’s love and mercy towards us as human beings. Jesus came to show us the merciful and loving face of the Father, in order that we might come to understand our dignity as sons and daughters and so recognize in each person—our brother or sister.

More than two-thousand years after the coming of our Saviour, it is plain to see from the violence, war, hate, corruption and exploitation present in our society, that we didn’t get the message that we failed to understand the Kingdom of God and its benefits for all humanity. Christmas is about celebrating our new life in Christ—it is really not about expensive gifts, scrumptious feasts and wild parties—it is all about understanding our own dignity and that of others and so begin living in an attitude of mutual respect. To live the golden rule “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Lk 6:31). We need to see the world through the merciful eyes of Jesus and like Him, be people who go about doing good, bringing hope, peace, joy and life to all who we meet on our earthly pilgrimage.

Pontifical Mission Societies SA-04-2015 02Jesus still offers himself as a constant and eternal gift of mercy, healing, hope and new-life for all of us that open our hearts and minds to Him.

He desires that we have the fullness and abundance of life (Jn 10:10) and offers Himself as the Way, Truth and Life (Jn 14:6) to all who seek Him with sincerity and humility. Once we accept to follow Him and become missionary disciples, then automatically we are called and sent to be “other Christs” (anointed) people who are the gift of Christ to all whom we meet.

Our mission on this earth is to be the hands, feet, mouth, mind and heart of Jesus so as to bring about transformation and the coming of the Kingdom in our society.

We are in this Jubilee Year of Mercy

Let us open ourselves and invite others to this life changing experience! A very blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with the joy of being missionaries of God’s mercy!

Fr. Gordon Rees mccj. National PMS Director – SA, Botswana & Swaziland

Pontifical Mission Societies SA-04-2015

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