Month: January 2015

MIMSAF Celebrates Family Day – 3rd January 2015

MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1By Theresa Sikateyo

Families of the Lay Association of the Missionaries of Africa in Zambia, MIMSAF, came together to celebrate their annual event “Family Day” on 3rd January 2015 at St Lawrence Parish, Lusaka where Fr. Toon van Kessel is Parish Priest. The occasion was prayerful and educative. Day activities included Mass which was celebrated by the Provincial, Fr. Christopher Chileshe and concelebrated by Fr. Mark Nsanzurwimo and MIMSAF Chaplain Fr. Owino D. Vitalis.

Input on the mission of the Missionaries of Africa facilitated by the Provincial Fr. Christopher Chileshe.  “In 2010, he said, we described ourselves as “Men of hope”; we meditate on Christ’s incarnation and are inspired by Him to proclaim and promote a better world”. He described the mission around two themes. Encounter / Dialogue with cultures different from Christianity (ED) and Justice and Peace, Integrity of Creation (JPIC). The input was described as being very informative and gave a better understanding of what the Missionaries of Africa are involved in”. 

The provincial also reminded and invited the MIMSAF Family to join the Religious in celebrating the year of Consecrated life which has been declared by Pope Francis. The Launch for Lusaka Archdiocese is scheduled for 7th February, 2015 at the Marian Shrine and MIMSAF was encouraged to take part.

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 15 janvier 2015

cropped-mafrwestafrica-02.jpgAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :

« Les statistiques des Missionnaires d’Afrique », en ce début d’année 2015, des chiffres publiés sur le site et que nous reprenons ici. (lire la suite) 

« Décès du Père Robert Kaggwa », décès survenu brutalement en Angleterre, où le Père Kaggwa, originaire d’Ouganda se trouvait depuis quelques années; (lire la suite)

« Confrères ayant travaillé dans la PAO et décédés en 2015 » : ils sont déjà 3 en ce 15 janvier 2015, ayant tous trois travaillé au Burkina Faso.(lire la suite)

« Je suis Charlie » quelques éléments et liens suite aux attentats terroristes commis sur le territoire français La mobilisation des gens était sans précédent, mais de nombreuses questions se posent (lire la suite) 

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages »,

« Jubilaires 2015 » : les noms des Missionnaires d’Afrique qui célébreront au cours de l’année 2015 un jubilé du jour où ils ont prononcé leur serment missionnaire les engageant à vie au service de la mission en Afrique. (lire la suite)

« Dernier bulletin de l’AET Ségou ». Merci à son directeur sortant Jean Dzene, origiinaire du Togo et ancien candidat M.Afr d’en avoir envoyé une copie pour publication. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :

« Le site du CFR et de l’IFIC à Bamako », une présentation de ce site qui est disponible sur internet grâce au Père Dariusz Zielinski, qui a réalisé un beau travail. (lire la suite)

« Charlie Hebdo, et après ? » quelques éléments de réflexion et quelques questions qui se posent suite aux attentats commis en France les 7 et 9 janvier 2015 – Merci une fois de plus au site de l’ARCRE. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :

« Le Pape François toujours à l’affiche », son message de paix du 1er janvier 2015 appelle à la fin de l’esclavage. Le Saint Père est par ailleurs toujours une personne très populaire, et très actif dans le domaine du dialogue. (lire la suite)

« Les migrants à Calais ». Ils sont nombreux, ceux qui souhaitent rejoindre la Grande Bretagne et attendent l’occasion de le faire. Les autorités françaises sont gênées par leur présence. L’évêque d’Arras a réagi à leur attitude en 2014 mais les choses n’évoluent pas dans le bon sens. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud »

« La transition au Burkina sera-t-elle favorable aux paysans ? » : les réflexions et remarques du Père Maurice Oudet, Missionnaire d’Afrique et président du SEDELAN (lire la suite) 

Tragic death of Bishop Rt. Rev. Joseph Mkasa Zuza in Mzuzu, Malawi

Rt. Rev. Martin Mtumbuka and Rt. Rev. Joseph Mkasa Zuza

Rt. Rev. Martin Mtumbuka and Rt. Rev. Joseph Mkasa Zuza

Dear All,
I just received the sad news from Filiyanus Ekka that Bishop Zuza died earlier this afternoon.
Filiyanus, one of our confrères, was travelling back to Mzuzu from Lilongwe by bus when he saw the bishop’s car by the side of the road.  He got the driver to stop.  Found that the bishop had had some sort of accident and was thrown out of the car. It appears the car had rolled and was in the ditch.
Filiyanus-Samson-Richard-Ch - CopyFiliyanus managed to phone Richard Dery, our stagiaire in Mzuzu, and somehow arranged transport to take him to St John’s Hospital Mzuzu.  The bishop was conscious all the way and was talking.  From what  said he died in his arms in the hospital.
The details of what happened are not clear.  Filiyanus is still in shock and is at the hospital.
Let us keep Bishop Zuza in our prayers.  He was a great friend of the White Fathers and will be sadly missed by everyone.  May he rest in peace.
Will keep you updated on what happens.
Yours, William Turnbull, Delegate Superior, Malawi

Floods kill scores in Malawi and Mozambique – January 2015

Malawi - Mozambique MapFrom Aljazeera Website

Heavy flooding has killed scores of people in the east African country of Malawi, where nearly a third of the country was declared to be in a state of disaster.

Malawi’s President Peter Mutharika said on Tuesday that at least 48 people were killed and 23,000 others displaced in flash floods that have wreaked havoc in 10 out of 23 districts in his country.

Some of the victims died when villages were flooded in Malawi’s southern Mangoche district, about 100 kilometres south of the commercial capital, Blantyre, according to Grey Mkwanda, a district planning officer. Livestock, crops and homes were swept away by floodwaters, with some homes completely submerged.

“People have fled into schools and churches on the higher ground, others are in the open because there is not enough space,” Mkwanda said.

Others died in Blantyre when their homes collapsed, according to Mkwanda. “In some cases you cannot believe there was a house here,” said Allan Ngumya, a member of parliament who represents the area. Police are also looking for two children who went missing in Blantyre, police spokesman Elizabeth Divala said.

International aid appeal

Mutharika has appealed to the international community for assistance for the impoverished country. “Government alone cannot afford to help so I appeal to the international community for urgent assistance,” he said.

Flooding began last month and heavy rain is expected to continue, especially in the north and central parts of the country, according to Elina Kululanga, Malawi’s director of meteorological services and climate change.

In neighbouring Mozambique, where some waters have risen to over double flood thresholds, a group of 25 school children was swept away by torrents on Monday, and 18 others have been reported missing.

Flooding in the two east African neighbours has left much of Malawi’s centre and western border region under water, and large eastern swathes of neighbouring Mozambique swamped.

The region is likely to face at least two more days of torrential rain carried by late summer storms, according to meteorologists. Heavy flooding has killed scores of people in the east African country of Malawi, where nearly a third of the country was declared to be in a state of disaster.

Malawi’s President Peter Mutharika said on Tuesday that at least 48 people were killed and 23,000 others displaced in flash floods that have wreaked havoc in 10 out of 23 districts in his country.

Some of the victims died when villages were flooded in Malawi’s southern Mangoche district, about 100 kilometres south of the commercial capital, Blantyre, according to Grey Mkwanda, a district planning officer.

Livestock, crops and homes were swept away by floodwaters, with some homes completely submerged. “People have fled into schools and churches on the higher ground, others are in the open because there is not enough space,” Mkwanda said. Others died in Blantyre when their homes collapsed, according to Mkwanda.

“In some cases you cannot believe there was a house here,” said Allan Ngumya, a member of parliament who represents the area. Police are also looking for two children who went missing in Blantyre, police spokesman Elizabeth Divala said.

International aid appeal

Mutharika has appealed to the international community for assistance for the impoverished country. “Government alone cannot afford to help so I appeal to the international community for urgent assistance,” he said.

Flooding began last month and heavy rain is expected to continue, especially in the north and central parts of the country, according to Elina Kululanga, Malawi’s director of meteorological services and climate change.

In neighbouring Mozambique, where some waters have risen to over double flood thresholds, a group of 25 school children was swept away by torrents on Monday, and 18 others have been reported missing.

Flooding in the two east African neighbours has left much of Malawi’s centre and western border region under water, and large eastern swathes of neighbouring Mozambique swamped. The region is likely to face at least two more days of torrential rain carried by late summer storms, according to meteorologists.

Newborn in the village, article published in The Tablet 20/27 December 2014

New born in the villageEvery country has its own traditions and ways of celebrating the feast of Christmas, and in Catholic Churches all over the world the very same readings will be read at the Christmas Masses. However, the way the liturgy is celebrated will vary from culture to culture.

In Malawi, for example, the liturgy may include an imaginative combination of dance, songs and drumbeat with diverse and creative costumes and structures build in the sanctuary. Mua is a parish located in the Central Region of Malawi, the first mission established by the Missionaries of Africa in the country just over 100 years ago.


The author of the article, Richard Hewitt, is a classic teacher and he sits on the advisory board of Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art, which aim to celebrate the wealth of Malawi’s culture and artistic inheritance.

Jubilees of confreres who were or still are in SAP – 2015

Oswald Payant 100 years 0275 years of Oath

1940-06-22 Fr. Payant Oswald, Canada/Sherbrooke – was in Mansa

65 years of Oath

1950-06-27 Fr. Bédard Gaétan Canada/Montréal – was in Kasama.

1950-06-27 Fr. Fitzgerald Patrick, Great Britain/London – was in Lusaka.

1950-06-27 Fr. Genest Pierre, Canada/Montréal – was in Dedza Diocese, Malawi.

1950-06-27 Fr. Piette Luc, Canada/Montréal – was in South Africa.

1950-06-27 Fr. Poisson Bernard, France/Billère – was in Kasama.

50 years of Oath

1965-01-28 Fr. Amyot d’Inville Jacques, France/Paris, Friant – was in Mansa and South Africa.

1965-02-01 Fr. Gouiller Jean-Luc, France/SAP/Zmb/Kalongwezi – is still in Zambia, Chipata.

1965-02-01 Fr. Hoffmann Felix, Germany/Trier – was in Mbalaé

1965-06-28 Fr. Tillmann Ferdinand, Germany/EAP/Uga/Ggaba.

1965-06-29 Fr. Richard François, France/MG/Roma – was in Zambia, FENZA.

25 years of Oath

1990-12-07 Fr. Bomansaan Francis, Ghana/SAP/Zmb – is in Kasama.

1990-12-07 Fr. Gasimba Raphaël, DR Congo/EPO/Jérusalem – was in South Africa.

Julain_Kasiya_21990-12-07 Fr. Kasiya Julian, Malawi/SAP/Mwi/Mua – is moving to Mozambique.

1990-12-07 Fr. Mapunda Baptiste,Tanzania/Ghana/Wa – was in Zambia.

1990-12-07 Fr. Mumbi Patrick Zambia/SAP/Lusaka, FENZA

1990-12-07 Fr. Wernke Bernhard, Germany/SAP/Moz/Dombe.

1990-12-15 Fr. Apee Dominic, Ghana/Tamale – was in Zambia.

2014 Woodlands’ visitors

Visitors 2014 number of nightsIt was our hope last year to see an increase in terms of visitors for 2014. This has been achieved with an increase of 97% from 1391 nights in 2013 to 2751 nights this year. Woodlands welcomed many confreres in January though we have not seen so many visitors so far in 2015. We also welcomed quite a few visitors between August and November 2014. A significant number of Stagiaires and students came in July and August. As you can see, Woodlands, Lusaka, is your home.

Link: 2013 Woodlands’ visitors

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