Month: July 2013 Page 2 of 4

Kambwiri : the first Catholic Mission in Chipata Diocese in 1904

Kambwiri 07 - Copie_modifié-1Two weeks ago, I visited Kambwiri (today Chasera) in one of our outstations to see how it looks like.  It was the first mission of the White Fathers in the diocese. I asked Mr Kezyius Phiri, the vice chairperson of Chasera, to accompany me. From about 60km from Lumimba Parish or 2km from the new church of Chasera, it was on this rarely visited spot that the Diocese celebrated its centenary in 2004. A stone was laid as a remembrance. I took a few minutes of prayer and silence to thank for the great men of faith and hope who started this mission in 1904, though they had to close it and leave the valley barely seven months later. This is part of our history connecting us to our ancestors in faith. More about Kambwiri mission can be read in the report of Luangwa Valley written by Fr. Bernhard Udlehoven in 2006. This is an historical place to preserve for future generations.

By Phelim Malumo, M.Afr

Interview with Jan Dworkin

Jan Dworkin 02Jan DworkinJan invites us to be aware of our rank and power in relationships. She differentiates social rank from spiritual rank. She also helps us to understand how our sense of identity can enslave us. She says that “rejected parts of ourselves become enslaved by one’s identity. The identity itself behaves like a slaveholder.”  Finally she encourages us to expand our sense of identity when saying that “in Process Work, we embrace the very basic idea that “the other is you”. Everything that we see outside of ourselves, everything that we read about in a newspaper, everything that we are disturbed by in the community is an aspect of ourselves. The entire world lives within us.” READ MORE

Jan Dworkin 03

Missio Inter-Gentes: Challenges and Opportunities

Catholic Missiologists logoFrom July 15 to 21, 2013, some 40 women and men from every continent gathered together in Nairobi, Kenya—at Dimesse House of Spirituality and The Catholic University of Eastern Africa—to attend the Fifth International Conference and General Assembly of the International Association of Catholic Missiologists on the theme, “Missio Inter-Gentes: Challenges and Opportunities.”  This was the first time IACM has met on the continent of Africa and Madagascar. We have been blessed by our gracious hosts, welcomed by the local Archdiocese of Nairobi. As we heard on the first day, there is no word for stranger in Africa, once you enter a house you a member of that house – and we have certainly felt that during our time here. Indeed, we have received a comprehensive African welcome from so many people from different parts of the Continent. We have experienced meaningful and beautiful morning prayer and worship. We have greatly enjoyed the energy and vitality of African worship – where theology is truly Mission Inter Gentessung and danced, where youth and women are making such a significant contribution to liturgical life. We have experienced an abundance of food, which was graciously served. We have enjoyed each other’s company, including our music and songs. We have experienced inspiring and stimulating presentations and reflections as well as excursions to sites that gave us better insight into life in Nairobi, and by extension, into Africa – even the traffic and roads became part of this reflection and facilitated even more conversations! We have been served by the excellent organization of the IACM Executive led by President, Rev Dr Andrew Gimenez Recepcion. These have been days which have been truly memorable. We have been blessed to be invited to take off our shoes and walk on the holy ground of Africa. READ MORE

Slavery: not just a thing of the past

Pierre_LafollieBy Pierre Lafollie M.Afr
Published in the Saturday Post, Saturday 20 July 2013

When the White Fathers arrived in the north of Zambia in 1891 they discovered that the slave trade was still thriving in spite of having been abolished by many countries. Their reports, together with other witnesses coming from different parts of Africa, prompted their founder, Cardinal Charles Lavigerie, to launch an antislavery campaign whose 125th anniversary is being celebrated this year. But the fight is far from over since slavery is still with us.

P1090118The White Fathers in Northern Zambia
When Brazil abolished slavery in 1888, it was the last Western country to do so. Thus, when the first Missionaries of Africa (popularly known as the White Fathers) settled in July 1891 at Mambwe Mwela, along today’s Tanzania – Zambia border, the Western slave trade had ended since its market, essentially across the Atlantic, had disappeared and the slaves had already been freed. In this corner of Africa though, the missionaries arrived in a country devastated by a still active campaign of slave raiding. READ MORE

Ethiopian Becomes Strategic Partner in New Malawi Airlines

Ethiopian Airlines LogoEthiopian Airlines, the fastest growing airline in Africa, is pleased to announce that it has become the strategic partner of the new Malawian Air with 49% equity shareholding. The remaining 51% of the shares will be held by the Malawian Government and Malawian private investors.

The shareholder agreement for Malawi Airlines was signed between H.E. Dr. Cornelius Mwalwanda, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Government of the Republic of Malawi and Ato Tewolde Gebremariam, Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian in Lilongwe on Thursday, 11 July 2013.

This new partnership with Malawi Airlines is part of Ethiopian Vision 2025 strategic roadmap of setting up multiple hubs in Africa. Thru this strategic partnership with Malawian Air, Lilongwe will become Ethiopian third hub on the continent after its main hub in Addis Ababa and its West Africa in Lomé. READ MORE

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 15 juillet 2013

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
– Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux »
et à l’occasion du mois du Ramadan qui a commencé il y a une semaine
« Le début du ramadan », avec la lettre que le Père Claude Rault, évêque du Sahara, a écrit à ses frères musulmans à cette occasion, ainsi qu’un rappel de ce qu’est ce mois de jeûne (lire la suite)
« Entre la Croix et le Croissant », le témoignage de notre confrère Adrien Mamadou Sawadogo, d’origine musulmane, devenu chrétien, puis missionnaire et prêtre (lire la suite)
« Dialogue et fondamentalisme », un article écrit par Joseph Clochard, une réflexion pour évaluer les possibilités du dialogue dans des conditions qui sont devenues parfois très difficiles du fait de la radicalisation de certains. (lire la suite)
– Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Deux ordinations de M.Afr au Burkina» : à savoir celles de nos confrères Charles Nikiema à Boulsa et Boris Yabre à Manga. (lire la suite)
« Le lien avec la Province d’Afrique Australe », le dernier message reçu, qui nous partage le vécu de cette Province des Missionnaires d’Afrique, qui comporte la Zambie, le Mozambique, la Malawi et l’Afrique du Sud. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« Le Pape en visite à Lampedusa », son homélie prononcée sur cette île entre la Tunisie et l’Italie, pour montrer combien le sort des migrants le préoccupe. (lire la suite)

Belias Kanduna RIP

Dear All,
Joseph_MakokaI have just received the sad news that Joseph Makoka‘s grandfather, Belias Kanduna, died last night.  He passed away in Dedza Hospital after a short illness.
The burial and funeral Mass will take place today (18th July) at 12:00 noon at Dedza Sawmill. May Belias’ soul rest in peace.
Please keep Belias, Joseph, who is currently on home leave in Malawi, and his family in your prayers.

Bill Turnbull, Malawi Delegate Superior.

La Radio Chrétienne Francophone R.C.F. Août 2013

Rencontrer l’Afrique – RCF Bruxelles : FM 107.6 sous la direction du P. Jan Lenssen M.Afr en collaboration avec l’équipe du Centre Amani, Pastorale Africaine.
Horaire des émissions :
Mercredi : 19h30 – Jeudi : 4h30  et  16h00 – Samedi :  19h30 – Dimanche: 17h00
– Info :
RCF Bruxelles– Pour écouter RCF Bruxelles partout dans le monde, a l’heure même de l’émission:
Vous pouvez réécouter les émissions de la semaine dernière en «podcast» sur le site de RCF:
Les prochaines Émissions : mois d’Aout 2013
07.08.2013 : P. Jean Pierre Bondue M.Afr. Un pays dans la tourmente : le Mali. Écartelé par l’opposition entre des groupements musulmans, le pays est ballotté entre les défis de ceux qui y trouvent un terrain du combat de l’avenir,  avec des options soit disant religieuses. Un regard de discernement et de solidarité.
14.08.2013 : Les joies et les peines des personnes âgées parmi nous, surtout ceux issues de l’immigration Africaine. Immigrés provisoires ils ont du se décider à rester comme hôte permanent dans une société qui n’est jamais devenue la leur. Les difficultés des seniors de trouver accueil, dans leur famille traditionnelle – qui a dû s’adapter au rythme et aux exigences modernes – ou dans les services publiques et les maisons d’accueil des personnes âgées en Belgique, si « étrangères » dans leur culture traditionnelle.
21.08.2013 : Mgr Banga, Évêque de Buta, Vice-Président de la Conférence des Évêques de l’Église du Congo. L’Église Catholique dans le cadre du Congo RDC., au-delà des difficultés politiques.
28.08.2013 : P. W. Neven et Mgr W. Ngumbi, Évêque de Kindu RDC. La campagne anti-esclavagiste du Cardinal Lavigerie à la fin du XIX siècle, et les combats de justice actuels en Afrique : Au risque d’un esclavage qui fait peau neuve !

JCTR urges government to tackle escalating cost of food

JCTR LusakaPress Release, 9th July 2013

JCTR urges government to tackle escalating cost of food

In May 2013, government sequentially scrapped off fuel and maize subsidies contending that the measure would free resources for infrastructure development and poverty reduction among others. This change in subsidies has generated a debate with various actors voicing varying views.

At household level, the effects of the subsidies removal on prices of basic commodities are still being felt two months afterwards. According to Daniel Mutale, Social conditions programme manager, ‘‘the effects of removal of subsidies on basic food items are deepening.’’ This calls for an urgent response to address the rising food costs. READ MORE


Be aware of human trafficking during UNWTO – UNICEF Expert

Livingstone, July 14 2013
unicef-logo.jpgUNICEF Child Protection Officer Edwin Mumba says it is disappointing that most Zambians remain ignorant on the dangers and gravity Human Trafficking posses on society. And a representative from Justice and Peace, Sister Lynette Rodrigues, says there was great demand for commercial sex nowadays which many vulnerable women were ready to engage in regardless of the consequences. Mr. Mumba has noted with concern that due to poverty and vulnerability of various groups, it was easy for unscrupulous individuals to traffic unsuspecting citizens within and outside Zambia.
UNWTOHe for this reason cautioned Livingstone residents to be wary of such individuals ahead of the The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly to be co-hosted between Zambia and Zimbabwe. “These unscrupulous people would use the UNWTO summit it as an opportunity to traffic unsuspecting Zambians,” he said.
Lusaka_VoiceZambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) reports that UNICEF Child Protection Officer said this today during a stakeholder’s workshop on Human Trafficking ahead of the UNWTO General Assembly, organized by the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone. He said the tourist capital would have an influx of people from different parts of the world during UNWTO General Assembly and as such, precautions had to be taken to protect Zambians, especially children and the youths, from being trafficked.
Mr. Mumba stated that human trafficking was a major challenge for the country as Zambia was a source, transit and destination for human trafficking victims. “Many of you may not be aware but men, women and children are trafficked to, through and within Zambia,” he said.
He however, commended government for its response to the vice such as formulation of the Anti-Trafficking Act Number 11 of 2008 and the establishment of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Human Trafficking. Mr. Mumba emphasized the need to prevent human trafficking as it was almost impossible to retrieve people once they were trafficked due to weaknesses in the country’s legal system.
Meanwhile, a representative from Justice and Peace, Sister Lynette Rodrigues, says there was great demand for commercial sex nowadays which many vulnerable women were ready to engage in regardless of the consequences. “There is great demand for commercial sex and people are ready to supply regardless of the consequences…that is the reality of our world,” she said.
Sister Lynette lack of statistics underplayed the extent of human trafficking in Zambia. Sr. Rodrigues cited porous borders, poor implementation of laws and the country’s economic status as factors that hindered the fight against human trafficking.

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