Month: May 2013 Page 2 of 3

READ MORE ABOUT MOZAMBIQUE To help people to get organized 9 dead after Renamo threatens war to block elections Log Smuggling, Illegal Logging, and Corruption in Mozambique MORE NEWS FOR YOU: Mozambique: The Bob Dylan link By Leo Johnson Presenter, One Square Mile

« Une médaille pour les M.Afr.», la reconnaissance de l’Eglise Burkinabè lors d’une célébration à Koupèla, à l’occasion du 112ème anniversaire de la création de la première école. (lire la suite) « Ressourcement pour la mission », une brève description de la première session donnée par le Père Bernard Ugeux pour 19 missionnaires de la Province d’Afrique de l’Ouest. (lire la suite) Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix» : « Tensions et menaces à Gao au Nord-Mali », le témoignage de notre confrère Jean Jacques Mukanga, à partir de son expérience dans cette région de notre Province. (lire la suite) Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » : « Un savon contre le paludisme » : comment deux étudiants, un Burkinabè et un Burundais, ont « inventé » un savon qui repousse les moustiques. (lire la suite) Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Jésus, l’homme de la rencontre », la présentation du livre de Mgr Claude Rault, évêque de Ghardaia, qui relie l’évangile de Jean dans cette perspective de dialogue. (lire la suite)

If interested in getting all the documentation available (in Portuguese) concerning the Social Week, please contact Claudio Zuccala through this blog or directly at c_zuccala@hotmail.com

One thing that the new Pope feels he is called upon to do as Bishop of Rome is to bring hope to the world. “Let the star of hope shine out”, he says. We all need hope, and we should all bring hope. Speaking at his inaugural Mass on the 19th of March, Pope Francis explains how this can be done: by becoming guardians of Creation and by seeing every man and every woman with an eye of goodness and tenderness. Yes, he says, with tenderness and we ought not to be afraid of tenderness. Far from being an attitude of weakness, tenderness denotes strength of soul and the capacity for attention, compassion, and a true openness to one another. READ MORE
… As we have already done on many occasions, we appeal to government to stop encouraging MP resignations through promises of jobs and other privileges. Where is the lean government the people of Zambia were promised if ministerial jobs are open for purchasing political patronage? It is shameful to see very high ranking government officials dancing and jubilating at MP resignation forums with full knowledge of the harm by-elections are causing on the weakest of our society. This is immoral and an act of inconsistency for a government that has proclaimed an option for the poor as a cornerstone of its governance values. The Zambian society must treat this behaviour with scorn and strong condemnation. READ MORE