Meeting of all Priests of Chipata Diocese April 2-5, 2017 at the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Catholic Church in Zambia. By Fr. Jean-Luc Gouiller, M.Afr 04/04/ 2017 On the page one of the “History of the Catholic Church in Zambia” by Fr. Hugo Hinfelaar, in 2004, we read: “1891 is often considered […]
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Greetings from Kolibo and may the Lord be with you always! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2017! Christmas is a time for us Catholics to rejuvenate and gain more strength to follow Christ the Saviour and the Redeemer of the world. Jesus, the Son of God, has come to free the world from […]

CANAL DE MOCAMBIQUE, 22/06/2016 Destaques A empresa holandesa dona da EMATUM Para além da Mozambique EMATUM Finance BV, com sede na Holanda, foi criada uma outra empresa em Agosto de 2013, denominada Stichting Mozambique EMATUM Finance. A Stichting Mozambique EMATUM é dona das acções da EMATUM na Holanda e partilha os mesmos escritórios com a […]

Jorge Rebelo desabafa sobre a actual conjuntura Defende a responsabilização dos desmandos do Governo de Guebuza “Se a roptura acontecer, que venha” Jorge Rebelo um dos fundadores da Frelimo, onde foi o temido secretário do Trabalho Ideológico nos tempos de Samora Machel, lamenta o facto de o pais ter sido levado para a sarjeta por […]

Destaques Mussumbuluko Guebuza no negócio de armas Através de Mussumbuluko o Governo comprou armamento a uma empresa isrealista denominada IWI. Mussumbuluko supervisionou o teste das armas e as instruções em Boane e Namaacha. Três mortos e vários feridos em emboscadas a oito autocarros Domingo sangrento Inocentes continuam sendo vítimas de emboscadas. Agentes da Justiça clamam […]

Destaques Há cinco empresas no pacote da EMATUM Com o pacote da divida oculta de cerca de 1.4 bilhões de dólares Guebuza, Nyusi e Chang criaram as seguintes empresas: EMATUM, GIPS, PROINDICUS, MAM e VIPAS. PCA da EMATUM na gestão das empresas. A VIPAS, é uma empresa de segurança de elite que faz a protecção […]
Fr. Terry Madden, Provincial of Great Britain informed us of the return to the Lord of Brother Eugene Leonard, M.Afr, who died on the 17th January 2016, in St Francis Nursing Home, Glasgow, Great Britain at the age of 89 years old of which 60 of missionary life in Luxembourg, Malawi and in Great Britain. […]

Maputo (Agenzia Fides) – “The Catholic Church has always called on the Mozambican society to appreciate all people, especially those who are most vulnerable and in need”, acknowledged the President of Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, during his speech on the occasion of the Mass celebrated in the Cathedral of Tete on Monday, September 7, the anniversary […]
Swiss national, Father Roch spent his first years as Missionary in Malawi between 1952 and 1957 in Mua, Mtendere, Guillemé, Namitete and Ludzi. He also spent many years in Geneva. He died at the age of 89 on the 19th September 2015.

Maputo (Agenzia Fides) – “The Catholic Church has always called on the Mozambican society to appreciate all people, especially those who are most vulnerable and in need”, acknowledged the President of Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, during his speech on the occasion of the Mass celebrated in the Cathedral of Tete on Monday, September 7, the […]