Welcome to Zambia 2014
A FENZA Course to help you deepen
your understanding of the cultural, religious,
economic and social dynamics in Zambia
WHEN: 18th – 29th August 2014 from Monday to Friday starting at 9:00 till 12:30 hours WHERE: Faith and Encounter Centre (FENZA), Bauleni, Lusaka PRESENTERS: FENZA resource persons and specialists in their fields Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia (FENZA) warmly invites you to attend its unique initiation to Zambian way of life course entitled “Welcome to Zambia”. Understand the cultural values of Zambian society! Expand your historical and contemporary knowledge of Zambia! Gain confidence to live and work in Zambia! WHAT TO EXPECT: This workshop covers pre-colonial and colonial history, politics and economics of Zambia, today’s cost of living, basic rules of behaviour, traditional kinship and family structures, chieftaincy, initiation rites, traditional healers, Satanism, witchcraft, religions and Churches in Zambia, the reality of street children, HIV/AIDS. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This seminar is for anyone who wishes to widen her or his appreciation of the social-economic, cultural and religious dynamics in Zambia. WHAT YOU’LL GET?- Empowerment to face the challenge of Zambian cultures struggling with modernity.
- Hand-outs and material related to topics.

Very kind regards, Fr Romaric Bationo, M.Afr, Director of FENZA