Month: July 2014 Page 2 of 3

FENZA Course 18th – 29th August 2014

Logo FENZAFENZA logo 02Welcome to Zambia 2014

A FENZA Course to help you deepen

your understanding of the cultural, religious,

economic and social dynamics in Zambia

WHEN:  18th – 29th August 2014 from Monday to Friday starting at 9:00 till 12:30 hours
WHERE:  Faith and Encounter Centre (FENZA), Bauleni, Lusaka
PRESENTERS:  FENZA resource persons and specialists in their fields
Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia (FENZA) warmly invites you to attend its unique initiation to Zambian way of life course entitled “Welcome to Zambia”.
Understand the cultural values of Zambian society!
Expand your historical and contemporary knowledge of Zambia!
Gain confidence to live and work in Zambia!
This workshop covers pre-colonial and colonial history, politics and economics of Zambia, today’s cost of living, basic rules of behaviour, traditional kinship and family structures, chieftaincy, initiation rites, traditional healers, Satanism, witchcraft, religions and Churches in Zambia, the reality of street children, HIV/AIDS.
This seminar is for anyone who wishes to widen her or his appreciation of the social-economic, cultural and religious dynamics in Zambia.
  1. Empowerment to face the challenge of Zambian cultures struggling with modernity.
  2. Hand-outs and material related to topics.
COST: K 1,000 per participant.
Romaric BationoWe look forward to seeing you at FENZA together with other participants from all over the world.
Very kind regards,
Fr Romaric Bationo, M.Afr, Director of FENZA

Link to FENZA

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 17 juillet 2014

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
«  L’ordination de Mgr Placide Lubamba » nouvel évêque de Kasongo en RDC, et membre de notre congrégation missionnaire. (lire la suite) 
« Le décès du Père Michel Tremblais ». Le Père Michel Tremblais venait juste de rentrer en congé en France, avant de repartir pour assurer la passation de sa fonction d’économe de la Maison Lavigerie à Ouagadougou, lorsqu’il est décédé brutalement à Beaumont sur Oise.(lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :
« Le Père Edouard Duclos de Billère » Le Père Duclos, ancien du Burkina, raconte comment il est revenu en France en 2006 et quel sens a sa vie présentement dans la communauté de Billère.(lire la suite) 
« Une autre Eglise, une autre vitalité ». Le Frère Jan Heuft, qui travaille depuis des années pour aider les migrants venus en Algérie à rejoindre leur pays d’origine, a rendu une visite à Niamey, au Niger, et témoigne à ce propos. (lire la suite)
    – Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Soudanaise chrétienne acquittée», article tiré du numéro 83 du bulletin de l’ARCRE, à propos du mariage islamo chrétien, et des dessous de ce cas particulier. (lire la suite) 
« Réactions à prière improvisée de l’imam au Vatican» : un autre article de la lettre de l’ARCRE n° 83, qui donne à la fois la traduction de la prière et en relativise l’enjeu. (lire la suite) 
« Bulletin ARCRE n° 85, extraits», trois articles pris dans ce dernier numéro, qui nous parlent : des problèmes d’immigration à Tamanrasset, des familles qui dépassent la haine tant en Israël qu’en Palestine, et du fait que la plupart des musulmans rejettent l’extrémisme (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :
« L’or et les enfants au Burkina», article paru dans le numéro 102 de « Voix d’Afrique », du mois de juin 2014, et qui décrit la situation difficile de ces jeunes, et les dangers qui les menacent. (lire la suite) 
« Session Justice et Paix à Ouagadougou » session qui a commencé le 6 juillet 2014. L’article est paru sur le blog des Assomptionniste d’Afrique de l’Ouest. (lire la suite)

MIMSAF Recollection – 19th July 2014

MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1MIMSAF members are reminder for the recollection which will be on 19th July 2014 at St Bonaventure Chapel in Makeni.  The recollection will start at 09:00 hours and will be led by the MIMSAF Chaplain Fr. Vitalis Owino.
Please bring your bible and a light lunch.
For people requiring transport to Makeni (especially from Kabwata) please be at the Kabwata Parish at 08:00 hrs departure at 08:30 hrs.
For more information please contact Mr Phillip Chimponda.
Please remember also to bring the K100 contribution towards the ordination of Emmanuel Mubanga in Minga.
Mrs. Sikateyo, MIMSAF Secretary

Lightning Strikes Twice – Lilongwe, Malawi

William TurnbullFor the second time in two and a half months we had visitors at the Sector House in Area 3, Lilongwe. This time they broke into three cars: mine, Julio’s and Denis-Paul’s old car. One more than last time and using the same methods.
Only a few Kwacha was taken from my car after they removed a window.  I have not replaced what was stolen in May. Julio had his stereo, battery, jack, and tyre wrench taken after removing a window in the canopy. They took the battery, jack and tyre wrench from Denis-Paul’s car but left the car intact. The problem now comes with replacing the window rubber seals that, from experience, can take up to three weeks just to find second hand ones.
It looks as if the robbery was carried out by the same people as before and that we are running a self-service for thieves in Area 3. So much for Malawi being a peaceful country when such thefts, often with violence, are occurring and often with violence.
Once again thank God that no one was hurt and the thieves did not enter the house.
All this on the eve on the AMECEA Plenary meeting.
Bill Turnbull M.Afr

Priestly ordination of Remi Nyengere in Malawi – 16/08/2014

Bishops of Malawi-ARemi-Nyengere-02Together with three diocesan deacons, Remi Nyengere will be ordained priest by the Archbishop of Lilongwe, Mgr. Tarsizius Ziyaye, on the 16th August at Maula Cathedral. Mass will start at 9 Clock. The first Mass of Remi will take place on the 17th August at Mponela parish, his parish of origin.

Mponela Malawi2

Mrs. Ernestina Vega Anaya passed away today

Erick_Balderas_02We invite you to pray for Mrs. Ernestina Vega Anaya who passed away today in Tepeji del Rio, in the State of Hidalgo, in Mexico. She was the mother of Erick Balderas Vega our Mexican candidate studying in theology in Merrivale, South Africa. 
Our deepest condolences to Erick and his family. 
Let us keep him and his family in our prayer.

Death of relatives of Paul Namono, M.Afr

Paul NamonoDear All,
At the moment Paul Namono is attending the Session for Confrères in their Second Term of Mission, in Kumasi, Ghana. 
Over the last few days, when Paul was on his way to the meeting, he sent us very sad news. Paul’s cousin Namono Bienvenu was in Form 4.  A month ago he complained of stomach pains but despite all the treatment he received it did not help and he passed away the 4th July and was buried on the 5th. Then yesterday Paul gave us news of the death of Namono Pele, his uncle and younger brother of his father.  Pele had lived in Ivory Cost for a long time.  Before leaving Lilongwe Paul phoned Pele and he did not mentioned anything about his sickness. Then when Paul was on his way to Kumasi he received a message from his sister that Pele was very sick. Two days later on the 9th July he died. 
Please let us remember Paul and his family in our prayers.  Maliro nkulirana!
May Bienvenu and Pele rest in peace.
Yours in Christ,
Bill Turnball, M.Afr

Death of Brother Gerhard Weffers, M.Afr.

Gerhard_Weffersb copieFather Helmut Revers, M.Afr in Germany, informs you of the return to the Lord of Brother Gerhard Weffers, M.Afr. He died on the 9th July 2014, in Trier, Germany. He was 90 years old of which 61 of missionary life in Zambia, Luxembourg and in Germany
Gerhard Weffers was born on 23/10/1923 in Rheydt, Diocese of Aachen. He trained as a tailor. After completing his training, he was conscripted into the army. From 1945 until 1949 he was a prisoner of war in Russia. After his release he worked as a tailor in a factory for a short time before entering the postulancy of the White Fathers in Langenfeld on 01/09/1950. He continued there with his novitiate from October 1950 until October 1952. On 26/10/1952 he pronounced his first oath in Marienthal, where he did his scholasticate from November 1952 until November 1954.

After his formation he worked in the German Province before departing for Zambia on 24/02/1957. After language studies he mainly worked as a carpenter. He pronounced his perpetual oath in Kachebere. From September 1963 until June 1964 he absolved a course of architectural drawing and building technician in Germany. Afterwards he lived in Kanyanga until 1977 working in the carpentry and in the workshops there.

In April 1977 Gerard was appointed procurator and guest master in Lusaka. After a short stay in Minga/Chipata and after doing the long retreat in Jerusalem he was appointed bursar in our noviciate in Kasama. In 1989 he moved as bursar to the Regional House of Kasama.

In October 1993 Gerard returned to Germany because of his advancing age. He took over as receptionist in Trier, giving other services as well. He died in Trier 9th July 2014.

Fr. Rolf Wigger, Sector Secretary


50 Years of Independence Celebrations!

 Two cartoons from The Nation that reflect the reality of Malawi today.




Golden Jubilee of Reinhold Bloching and farewell to Jules Roy

Reinhold Bloching and Jules Roy during mass.

Reinhold Bloching and Jules Roy during mass.


Reinhold Bloching is celebrating his Golden Jubilee of priesthood this year. The community of Ndola organized a special celebration to commemorate it on Tuesday the 8th July in Ndola. A simple but joyful gathering brought about thirty people, mostly Religious Sisters, diocesan priests and Missionaries of Africa. Reinhold has set up a remarkable church at New Kaloko in the outskirt of Ndola. The inside church is decorated with African symbols in line with the local culture. Congratulation for this outstanding achievement.

At this same occasion, the Missionaries of Africa thanked Jules Roy, who celebrated this Jubilee last year, as he is getting ready to leave his beloved Zambia after 51 years. Like an old elephant, Jules said, leaving the heard to move its way alone, so is his feeling today. We wish him a good retirement back home in Canada. The departure of Jules from Lusaka is on the 31st July 2014. 
Our house in Ndola
Great day at New Kaloko Parish, Ndola – Zambia
Invitation to the Golden Jubilee of Fr. Reinhold Bloching and farewell of Fr. Jules Roy

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